• a-fib, blood thinners, stroke, afib

    4 Common Blood Thinners Taken for A-Fib

    A-fib, aka Atrial Fibrillation, is a medical condition characterized by irregular and fast heart rate. Without early diagnosis and treatment, it can lead to blood clots in the heart, which can lead to a devastating stroke. Thus, cardiologists often advise A-fib patients to take particular blood-thinning medications on a regular...
  • hypertension, AFib, atrial fibrillation

    Hypertension and Afib: Stroke Factors

    The human body can experience distress in the blink of an eye due to many different types of ailments in a variety of ways. High blood pressure, or hypertension, most commonly occurs due to age, lack of activity, poor diet, or genetics. A heightened pressure that exceeds the prehypertension...
  • dabigatran, afib, blood thinners, anticoagulants

    A-Fib Anticoagulant:

    Atrial fibrillation (afib) is a heart-related illness that causes irregular and rapid beating of the heart. If a person regularly suffers from afib, he or she will have a higher risk of stroke, heart failure, and dementia. What’s scary about this condition is that when it occurs, it usually...
  • Stroke Prevention When You Have AFib

    Atrial fibrillation (Afib) is a common condition affecting a huge percentage of the population. The condition causes fast and erratic heartbeat involving the upper chamber of the heart. Statistically, people with this condition are five times more likely to have a stroke. This is because Afib interferes with the blood...
  • AFib, atrial fibrillation, afib treatment, kidney disease

    AFib: Chronic Kidney Disease

    Atrial fibrillation, also known as Afib, is an irregular heartbeat that can lead to heart failure, blood clots, stroke, and other heart conditions. But what can you do if you have Afib and want to avoid kidney disease? Or what if you have both and want to avoid the dangers?...