• Learn How To Maintain Green Card Status

    To become a permanent resident, any undocumented person physically within the USA may apply for an adjustment of status to that of an immigrant without returning to their country of origin. A foreign national outside the USA, however, may not apply for adjustment but must go through immigration processing at...
  • A Summary of Permanent Resident and Green Card Status

    When a person holds a green card, it confirms that he or she is permitted to live and work in the United States indefinitely. There are different categories of green cards, each one having their own set of requirements. Green Cards Today’s green card isn’t even green. It’s called...
  • translation services, professional translation services, translation, translator

    Translator Apps for Your Next Vacation

    When traveling to a foreign country, it is always helpful to know a few key phrases to make getting around and interacting with locals that much easier. With these language-centered apps for your phone, you won’t have the need for a translator. Or, if you have the time, you...
  • Working While You Are Traveling

    Thanks to current technology, you no more have to be heavily chained to your personal desk to get work done. One can work from any location in this world, so long as they have Internet connection. Obviously, there are few things that one is going to require in order...
  • Protect Your Home While Traveling

    If you’re worried about your home’s safety while you are away travelling, you’re not alone. It is a common fear that a pipe will burst, a fire will start, or you will be robbed. The thing is though that there are several ways you can get peace of mind...
  • How To Travel With Kids: What To Keep In Mind

    Every senior with grandchildren should learn how to travel with kids. There will probably come a time in your life when you are asked to travel somewhere with your children, and that usually means bringing the grandkids, too. While your children will probably have the responsibility for the bulk...
  • Things You Need To Know Before You Travel With Other People

    Traveling all alone can mean a lot of quiet, peace, and introspection. In any case, there’s something unique about having somebody close by — whether it’s your boyfriend or your best friend, merging travel styles requires a little adaptability and a lot of compromises. Here, two Glamour writers (and...
  • 5 Best Cities You Can Retire In

    Moving after you’ve retired is a no-brainer, but you want to go somewhere new. Why stay within the United States when you could relocate to a foreign city and save money? When you’re living off of Social Security benefits and a retirement fund, you need to stretch your money,...
  • 10 Signs of a Possible Travel Scam

    As with any major purchase, when things sound too good to be true, they might need a little more investigation. Many travel scams exists to lure potential customers in to spending money only to not live up to expectations. To protect yourself and your family, as well as your...