Cloud technology allows us to be more easily connected to our work, which might not sound like a good thing. But if you’re a small business owner, the increased accessibility that cloud technology gives you can be a great asset to you and your employees. Cloud storage makes it...
Economics and speed are driving the current and future business models away from the traditional cloud storage solutions towards hybrid cloud storage solutions. Hybrid cloud computing may be relatively new, but it has already undergone lots of changes over the years. Traditional cloud storage solutions were either private cloud...
Nearly every gadget we purchase has a warranty and while it may look like a cause for peace of mind, many will argue against it. This is because there are countless stories of people who actually never benefited from the warranties despite having paid hefty sums for the gadgets...
The field of artificial intelligence is a highly specialized concentration within the larger computer science discipline. It is a cross-disciplinary degree program combining components from computer science, philosophy, engineering, and even seemingly outlying subjects such as linguistics or psychology. While the first images that might come to mind when...
Call centers are used in several types of businesses from the food industry to telecommunications. You may have spoken to a call center without even knowing it! After this overview of call centers, you’ll be able to spot them without any issues. What is a Call Center? Call centers...
Home security systems are particularly designed to detect any outside intrusion or forceful entry into an area, through a door or a window. They are mostly used in industrial, commercial, residential or military properties to protect them from intruders, fire or other damages that might occur. Statistically, setting up...
Locate private branch eXchange (PBX) information resources to find a telephone system to use within your company in order to get free desk-to-desk calling while keeping one central line into your organization. A common external phone line gives customers one point of contact with your organization while keeping your...
Compared to laptops, tablet computers have much more mobility. People use tablets for communication, study, business, or game playing. The most important thing is that tablet now have been one essential tool since more and more productivity apps emerge. In this article, we will pick up top three tablet...
Almost half of North American web users say they have connected their personal devices to corporate networks. 60% of IT professionals also use cloud-based apps in their work. This is a huge number compared to 10 years ago. Considering the number is increasing in both home and work life,...