8 Ways to Combat Health Problems Due to Aging

We all get older, it’s just the way things go. But when speaking about aging, we aren’t just talking about a number. Many factors contribute to the aging process, including our body’s susceptibility to wear and tear and basic functioning capabilities.

We begin to notice aging catching up with us as every facet of our bodies is affected on a daily basis. It can change things like how prone we are to disease such as and increase in older individual’s susceptibility to illnesses like Alzheimer’s, constipation, an increase in blood pressure, diabetes, dementia, and urinary incontinence. Both physical and mental health conditions drastically change as we go through life and encounter potentially devastating new health problems and concerns. To better equip yourself in dealing with these issues as they arise, here are eight ways older adults can stay happy and healthy!



Source: Thinkstock/AnaBGD

Diet is a critical component of the human body at any age as it produces the various nutrients needed for a healthy lifestyle and helps prevent ailments or diseases that come along. A good diet will consist of plenty of vegetables and fruits. Preparation is equally important as cooking food with something like low-fat olive oil in place of butter helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. It is important to limit acidic foods and eat things rich in fiber to battle constipation and indigestion pertinent among older adults.



Source: Shutterstock/Kzenon

Exercise plays a critical part of maintaining and improving our bodies as aging commences. Cardiovascular exercise causes endorphins to release during exercise which makes people feel happy. Going to the gym never hurts, but for some older adults, it is not necessary to get good exercise. Simple routines done at home have proven to be effective such as household chores or going for a walk around the neighborhood. Other activities older people enjoy include swimming, aerobics, and even yoga. It’s all about finding an exercise routine that works best for you.

Mental Health

Research shows that more than 20% of aging people will suffer from mental health problems. Most of these issues are rooted in psychological stresses such as loneliness, isolation, financial divorce, or the death of a loved one or spouse. It is, therefore, imperative to take part in creative and productive activities. Involvement with family is also key to avoiding feeling lonely or isolated.


A common brain condition, degenerative in nature, which affects various areas of the brain responsible for judgment, memory, and even basic thinking. Usually linked with Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia affects more than 47.5 million people around the world. Treatment includes the consumption of amino acid compounds such as phosphatidylserine in good measurement. It certainly doesn’t also hurt to maintain close relationships with family and friends to have help and support throughout the process.

Alcohol in Moderation

Alcohol is alright to have when done so in moderation. In fact, a moderate consumption of alcohol has been proven even to have health benefits that can help in reduce aging effects by improving the blood flow and reducing stroke risk. It’s important to limit alcohol intake to a minimum of one or two glasses a day. If alcohol is a problem for you, there are various resources available to help curb addictions such as SMART Recovery.


For the body and mind to fully recover at the end of each day, it is highly recommended adults get at least seven hours of sleep every night. This can be more difficult with aging problems such as insomnia, chronic pain, depression, and urinary incontinence. To help combat this issue, having a regular bedtime and wake up time is critical. Ideally, older adults should avoid drinking fluids, particularly alcohol, immediately before sleep.

Mind Stimulation

Your brain is always on the go, involving itself in many processes each and every day. However, there are parts of your brain less active than others. These less active parts need to be put to use to keep the mind sharp. Brain exercise is just as important as keeping our bodies in shape. Stimulate yourself by playing brain teasers, crossword puzzles, or even by lighting up your imagination by reading creative books.

Maintain an Active Social Life

An active social life is one that has close or satisfying relationships with family and friends. By having a social circle and taking in interactive conversation, you help increased intelligence while decreasing the risk of dementia. Good social relationships with loved ones prevent cognitive deterioration. Being a social butterfly has been linked to living a longer, more fulfilling life.

Featured Image Source: Thinkstock/evgenyatamanenko
Sourced from: activebeat.co

Posted on May 5, 2023